Archaeologists have made many valuable discoveries in this area. We have the Saqqara complex, located 1.6 km inward from the escarpment where wooden bas-reliefs were found in the offering room of the mastaba of the high functionary Hesire. On the east wall, 11 false doors were found. The most amazing discovery was that of the statue of the pharaoh himself. He is shown to be perfect – almost godly – where the carver is able to demonstrate Djoser’s superhuman powers. The king is adorned in the ceremonial Jubilee cloak, his hands are crossed over his chest which is the position showing eternal life. His face is very detailed – high cheekbones, extruding lips, moustache, ritual beard and eyes which were inlaid. Even his subjects were made to look perfect. He is also wearing the wig which is covered in the nemes (headdress). Present on the base of the statue we can see an inscription which states that he was King of Upper and Lower Egypt. There we also find the hieroglyphic signs for the cobra goddess Uadjet (a symbol of Lower Egypt) and the vulture goddess Nekhbet (symbolising Upper Egypt). There is also one of the names of Djoser, Netjerkhet – “His body is divine”. His statue is found in the serdab, a room next to the temple.


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